Showing 1–4 of 6 results

  • Fanacial-Freedom

    IE Financial Freedom – 1 Day Seminar


    The IE Pyramid of Success is exactly how all financially free people achieved financial freedom. We are creatures of habits and we need to develop habits of becoming rich.
    It is not the amount of money you earn, that will make you financially free – it is what you do with your money.
    So, how does Mastering your Financial Freedom – Accountability System works?


  • be empowered

    BE Empowered – 2 Day Seminar

    R3,800.00 excl. VAT

    Empower The People & Empower The Nation

  • JE-WithinTime

    Johnny Eliades Within Time – 1 Day Seminar


    Time is the most precious commodity you have. It is the one thing you can never get back and it is the great equalizer among us all. Johnny Eliades will empower you by getting you to master your time – to manage yourself within time.
    1-Day Seminar:
    High energy, full of power and life changing event.

    What you will learn:
    Taking YOU, your TEAM and YOUR BUSINESS beyond Expectation!
    • Your focus will be on the results that produce both achievement and fulfilment.
    • You will learn to tap into your purpose or emotional drive for the leverage you need to follow through and achieve your plan, instead of just writing it down.
    • It will guide you in creating a specific massive action plan where fulfilment becomes not simply a goal but the experience of your life journey.
    • With consistent use, the Within Time Management program will empower you to manage your time and consciously sculpt your life into the masterpiece that you deserve.
    • Working harder is not the answer.
    “It’s time to put your life to work for you at a whole new level.” – Johnny Eliades


  • Power-Up-Your-Greatness

    Johnny Eliades Power Up your Greatness – 1 Day Seminar

    R3,800.00 excl. VAT

    With great success, we have started and grown Power Up groups in different cities around South Africa, and we have received many success stories from the attendees.
    Taking YOU, your TEAM and YOUR BUSINESS beyond Expectation!
    Now, what is Power Up about? It is all about discovering your Greatness and conditioning yourself to succeed. It is what I am committed to do, all over the world; I am committed to helping people find their true self and live the life of their dreams.
    We tackle different topics and challenge the attendees to think about their lives – if they are living to their full potential and/or purpose; if they are settling and if their businesses are performing as well or great as it should be.
    1-Day Seminar:
    • Are you living the life you want?
    • Does your bank balance reflect your work?
    • How important is your family to you? Does it reflect in your time with them?
    • Are you settling in your life? Or this is the best you can do?
    • Is your business as great as you want it to be?